You know how important great company culture is. You understand that a strong company culture attracts better talent, boosts your brand identity, drives innovation, gives you a marketing advantage, promotes efficiency, and can help you meet your organization’s goals.

“A company’s culture can have a powerful impact on its performance,” points out an article in the Harvard Business Review, “Culture is the glue that binds an organization together, and it’s the hardest thing for competitors to copy.”


The bottom line: great culture leads to better performance.

And yet, building a thriving company culture is one thing.

Getting it to stick is another.

Creating your culture “… is not a project, or a quick fix, or something that can be done to people,” says an article in Training Industry.

Instead, company culture has to be built from the ground up and should be strong enough to last for years. In fact, you should be reaping the benefits of a thriving company culture long into the future.

As one article in Forbes points out, “One of the cool things about investing in company culture is that it pays dividends for years to come.”

So, what do you do if you want your company culture to last?

There’s one powerful answer:

Prioritize coaching.

Coaching spreads knowledge, builds trust, communicates values, and encourages creativity. Coaching is one of the most effective tools for communicating, enforcing, and rewarding the behavior and values that set your company culture apart.

Of course, who is in the most integral position to coach your team?

Your leaders.

As an article in McKinsey points out, “People take their cues about organizational values from their leaders’ signals.”

One of the most influential leaders in your organization?

Your sales managers.

Gallup points out, “Managers are in a unique position to help businesses and employees overcome cultural challenges…” and, “businesses are acknowledging that managers are the decisive factor in winning the hearts and minds of employees.”

In a study of 3,477 managers from companies across a variety of sectors, Gallup found that the best managers create high-performance cultures by setting clear expectations, defining employees’ roles, creating a trusting environment, and encouraging higher performance from themselves and their teams.


Your sales managers have the power to:

Set clear expectations: This way, team members understand where to invest their energy

Communicate Values: So that your company culture is clearly defined

Create a Trust Environment: This way your company culture provides a safe entry point

Define Desired Behaviors: So employees know what techniques to use to achieve goals.

Encourage Higher Performance: Through game-changing leadership practices.

Align Coaching & Goals: So rewards and talent management is in sync is aligned with goals.

Measure Effectiveness: And define actionable strategies for improvement

As the Harvard Business Review points out, “Your sales managers can also ensure that “rewards, development, and other talent-management practices are in sync with the underlying drivers of performance,”

And yet, your managers need the skill and knowledge to help their teams attain a thriving culture.

“If leaders want managers who inspire top performance, they must give those managers the support they need so they — and their company — can flourish,” says Gallup.

What are you doing today to help your sales managers coach their teams, and create a game-changing company culture?

We would be honored to hear your feedback on applying these strategies and the impact you’ve had on your organization’s culture!

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